
File Name Section Code Section Code Description
601pol.pdf 601 Goals and Objectives
602pol.pdf 602 Budget Preparation
603pol.pdf 603 Budget Hearing
604pol.pdf 604 Tuition Income
605pol.pdf 605 Investments
606pol.pdf 606 Purchasing Objectives
607pol.pdf 607 Cooperative Purchasing
608pol.pdf 608 Local Purchasing
609pol.pdf 609 Payroll
610pol.pdf 610 Payroll Deductions
611pol.pdf 611 Petty Cash
612pol.pdf 612 Student Activity Funds
613pol.pdf 613 Financial Reports and Statements
614pol.pdf 614 Payment of Vouchers
615pol.pdf 615` Capitalization of Equipment
616pol.pdf 616 Fund Balance Accounting & Reporting
617pol.pdf 617 Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Funding
618pol.pdf  618  Contract Management
619pol.pdf  619  Performance Based Contracting 
625pol.pdf  625  Teacher School Supply State Reimbursement 
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